Thursday, April 4, 2013

Princess Academy

Whether it's the lyrical writing of Shannon Hale and her tendency to write about teenage characters who are happy and strong and yet still have their doubts, gradually evolving into a character who can stand on his/her own two feet..

... Or whether it's the clear voice of the characters in your head, so natural that you feel as though you have known them all your life and find yourself transported into another world...

... Or perhaps for hundreds of other reasons, Princess Academy, I'm willing to bet, is not what you might think. This is not a story about princesses - at least, not in the typical sense of the word. This is a story about survival, and the anchor of your home and family no matter where the wind takes you. This is the story of first love, and first honest-to-goodness fear. This is the story of Miri, and what she does when the world is handed to her, discovering it as she has never discovered it before.

When I think of this book, I think magic. Not as in spells and incantations, but as in finding life in the world around you as though nature is a living, breathing thing that has secrets to uncover - and it is time you did something about it. 

This is the book that first got me reading (and which my sister introduced me to). Naturally, I treat it as my baby. I'd be surprised if it didn't have a similar affect on you, too. Give it a try. Get swept away in this world. You might just not want to come back.

Appropriate for ages 12+ (though there are different versions of the cover, but this one is my favorite).


  1. I love this cover, too. I've been reading this out loud to our girls and we stopped when we were reading about when the Mt. Eskel girls were leaving their village to go to the Princess Academy and looked at the cover which illustrates that moment so well. One of our girls, who said she doesn't like reading, has been listening to me read it out loud and the other day she came and told me she stayed up late after we were in bed and had read the next chapter! Yay! Then she was even able to tell me what it was about! Love this book!

    1. Yes! That makes me so glad. Nothing is better than to hear that someone is enjoying wonderful books, particularly when they haven't been readers to begin with. :)

  2. I love this book ever so much. She is such a fantastic authoress. Is it okay to use the word authoress, even though it's not PC? I rather like the word and who really cares, anyway? Great rec.
