Saturday, March 2, 2013


Watch out, Austen fans! Julianne Donaldson's Edenbrooke is about to blow your socks off... or your petticoats. 

What's to like about this novel? What's not to love, I ask you? The streets of Bath, a country estate, a heart-stopping romance, and a marvelous dose of intrigue will have you reading this novel well into the night. That I can absolutely promise you.

Donaldson's writing is quick-paced and yet is incredibly perceptive of her characters emotions, thoughts, and feelings. The sentences themselves seem clear and shiny, unboggled by superfluous words.  This novel is a wonderful case of SHOW and not TELL, an attribute I long for from many long-published authors, and yet what Donaldson gets right on her first try.

Pick up the novel, ladies and gentlemen! Not only is it "the most romantic book I've ever read" (quoted from my sister), but the main character, Marianne, has spunk and personality. For those Austen critics out there, be prepared to meet a young woman who has a mind of her own. No sitting at tea and working on one's embroidery all day in this neck of the woods. 

This is a book to read again and again. In fact, I even did just that for a couple of days. It's on my bookshelf. I give it as gifts. Read it. You won't regret it.

Appropriate for ages 15+ (Honestly, though, it's a Proper Romance-a new genre, by the way, published by Shadow Mountain! It doesn't get any cleaner. Technically, this would fit in the Young Adult Category, but it's also strongly geared for adults. Enjoy!)

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